Page 11 - PASBOReportSept2018
P. 11
However, in my opinion, the training and recertification don't even attempt to be a school bus driver. Raising the
is what discourages most drivers. We recently had an wage for a school bus driver is a great idea, but what ends
individual that moved into Pennsylvania from South up happening is robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Carolina, where he drove a school bus for years. In
Pennsylvania, he is required to start from the beginning Kathy Ciaciulli, PCSBA
like he never drove a school bus before. Needless to say, he Business Manager/Board Secretary
was discouraged from proceeding to get his PA School Bus Southern Tioga School District
Drivers License.
At Southern Tioga, retaining substitutes for cafeteria
When recertification is required, one would think that and custodial services has been extremely difficult. I
if you are a good driver and have not had any accidents believe our issue is mainly due to our pay rate. We've
or traffic violations, recertification would be as simple as recently approached our board of directors, expressing our
applying for a standard driver's license. But instead, school concerns about the pay rate and inability to attract people.
bus drivers have to attend class and participate in on the After much discussion, they agreed to increase the rate to
road driving in order to maintain the certification. just below the starting rate of our current staff.
We have, in the past, reimbursed for clearances if the
Most drivers understand the need for random drug and individual subs for the district for at least 6 months - we may
alcohol testing. What bus drivers don't understand is why consider this option again. Recently, we have partnered with
they are the only school employee required to participate. an agency called Partners-In-Progress (provide job training
In some cases, a single bus driver may have to go through for individuals with disabilities) - we have been working
random testing multiple times in one year, especially if they with them to train individuals in these areas. The cool thing
work for more than one contractor or school district. about this is a lot of them are likely to be former students of
Southern Tioga.
We have created so many obstacles for drivers to cross
for the school bus driver's endorsement that more and more
they just get tired and frustrated and either stop driving or Please send your ideas and best practices to Dr. Wayne
McCullough at
September 8