Page 10 - PASBOReportSept2018
P. 10
Substitute Staff Shortage
Advice from Members
here has been much written and reported about One of our major issue areas is our nurse subs. We have had
substitute teacher shortages in our schools. While to pay a higher daily rate for nurses as compared to teachers
Tthis has had a significant impact on educational to get subs.
programs, a statewide shortage of substitutes also exists in
all areas of school operations.
The results of these shortages often leave school Ed Poprik, PCSBO
business officials scratching their heads to fill bus runs, Director of Physical Plant
clean buildings, prepare meals and get out payroll – just to State College Area School District
name of few of the outcomes.
What are best practices related to recruitment and I agree that finding substitute staff has become more
retention of substitutes for business offices, student difficult, perhaps even to the point of being unprecedented.
transportation, food service and custodial operations? Here Some things that we have done to help in the recruitment of
is advice from fellow PASBO members. substitutes are:
• Raise the rate to that equal of a starting full time
Jeff Bader, PCSBA, CSRM custodian (the benefits then become the perk for
Chief Financial Officer becoming full time)
East Stroudsburg Area School District • Engage our staff in helping with recruitment (this has
been our most successful endeavor in that regard)
Like everyone, we are experiencing a severe shortage • Advertising in the "Bargain Sheet" (local weekly free
of bus driver subs. Last year we tried raising our sub rate paper)
hoping to attract more interest, but it does not seem to have
been successful, as we continued to experience shortages. Much like retaining full time staff, I feel communication
One of the approaches we have taken is to create some is the key to retention. Staff that feels valued will generally
permanent substitute positions. We hire 4-5 full-time stick around longer! Also, you don't know about problems
drivers without assigned runs, knowing that they will be if you don't ask.
working every day filling in for another driver who is out.
This has helped, but it has not completely relieved the issue. Finally, we have developed written guidelines for how
to clean a building that is short on staff, including what
Sidney Clark, PCSBA items are required to be cleaned every night, what items can
Business Manager/Board Secretary be cleaned every other day and what items can be cleaned
Shanksville-Stonycreek School District as needed.
Shanksville has not done anything fancy, but we have Mark Pennabaker
done our best to get our starting rates for positions to be Building, Grounds and Transportation Director
more competitive in our market area. For support subs, Bedford Area School District
we have had to increase our sub rates to match the starting
hourly rate for each position to get a few more subs. We In Pennsylvania, bus drivers are being discouraged
still struggle with maintenance and food service. because of all the requirements to maintain the school
bus driver certification. The background clearances are
Our bus contractor is struggling to find understandable, and all agree that they are necessary. The
full-time drivers as well as subs. annual physicals and twice a year physicals for people with
health issues, make sense as well.
Dr. Wayne McCullough, PCSBA
Director of Leadership and Development
7 PASBO Report