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face-to-face session to an online learning experience. The 90-minute+ sessions allow you to keep up on various
Facility Management course was PASBO’s first successful topics without having to leave your LEA for training with
online Elements course. More will be transitioned in the online presentations and recordings available for purchase.
very near future. Make sure to visit on a regular basis to see
workshop topics added on a regular basis.
There are even subjects within the Elements courses that
need to be looked at even more detail. These Applications These workshops also drive PASBO’s one-day
courses delve a little deeper into key areas of school business. symposiums, specialty conferences and the PASBO Annual
These include data management, payroll administration and Conference. The one-day symposiums are topic-specific,
revenues. These courses focus more on these key subjects and 2017-18 topics included health care and leadership.
that are critical to school business operations.
PASBO’s specialty conferences provide 2 or more days
In addition these training sessions that PASBO of workshops and learning experiences for those topics
offers, PASBO has partnered with Wilkes University to that do not always get the attention they need. Facilities
provide additional options as well, the Wilkes Accelerated Management, Transportation and School Safety Conference
Bachelor’s Degree program. These college courses go is in October, Food Service Conference and Exhibits is
beyond the Elements and Applications courses and allow in November and PETE&C (Technology Conference) is
you to earn that bachelor’s degree if you do not have one offered annually.
The PASBO Annual Conference is held in March. This
If you already have a bachelor’s degree, another option conference has provided a learning opportunity for the
would be the Wilkes University Master’s Program. This PASBO membership for the past 63 years. In addition to
10-course graduate level program provides the advanced the numerous learning opportunities and time spent with
training for the practicing school business official and can vendors exploring potential purchases, the opportunity to
prepare those business officials transitioning to world the network with your colleagues across the commonwealth is
school business. Plus, you graduate with a master’s degree priceless.
in School Business Leadership that will prove beneficial in
your school business career. Even if you take advantage of some of these
opportunities for professional development opportunities,
In addition to these educational opportunities, there you will be much further ahead as school business official.
are many workshops and conferences that PASBO offers PASBO’s mission is to develop and support leaders in
to its membership. The ongoing FYI Program first started school business operations, and we accomplish that with
to mentor new members, but it has grown into a monthly training and educational opportunities the organization
reminder of calendar dates, current events and focuses on provides. The college degrees you can earn as well as
one key subject each month. It is free to watch live, and PASBO’s Professional Certifications that can be earned
you can even view the recordings and handouts for free by participating in PASBO’s professional development
afterwards. opportunities lets education leaders know that you have
been trained by the best in school business.
PASBO workshops are offered throughout the year
and cover various current event and ongoing topics that Keep up-to-date on your opportunities by visiting www.
are key to school business operations. These topics are today. Even as a school business official with 20+
driven and presented by PASBO Committee members, who years of experience in education and 10+ years in school
are PASBO school business officials, business affiliates business management, I continue to learn through PASBO’s
and members of PDE and the Comptroller’s Office. These professional development opportunities and so should you.
September 16